7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

What You Mean by, “LEAN”.

Mar 07, 2017


Hello Dear Ones!


OK!!!  OMG!  


Do you LOOOOOOOOVE the word LEAN??  


Does it totally conjure up images of fit, slim, & sexy women (or men) w/ clear (but not overly developed) sculpted physiques?  Individuals who undeniably workout, but are not overly bulky or look like they live in the gym?


THAT kind of LEAN???


And have you ever described the shape you desire to possess as containing, “long, lean muscles“??


Well if you have, you are CERTAINLY not alone.  AND you’re also not alone in the misconception that muscles could be anything but lean. :O


What we’re all really talking about is an appearance, vs a certain body composition – BUT understanding more about what the LOOK of LEAN actually entails – might make it feel simpler to actually attain it.


The “Lean Look”, is not actually muscles that are leaner, but potentially (often for what women aim for) is that the body actually has LESS muscle (= less bulk), & also less fat.


Wow.  Ok.


So sometimes when taking pains to create a form that looks (& feels!) more to your liking, we will indiscriminately choose pursuits that may indeed not actually be getting us closer to our goals.  (Ie lifting heavy weights quickly)


The states you could be in if you’re desiring “leanness”,are:


1. Little muscle, decent amount of fat


2. Decent amount of muscle, decent amount of fat


3. Decent amount of muscle, little fat – LEAN (to some, bulky to others)


4. Little amount of muscle, little fat = LONG & LEAN


So, the bottom 2 esthetics are what most people are aimed at, & the truth is depending on where you’re starting from – the biggest priority might not be building muscle, it might actually be losing fat.


***Disclaimer: Being strong will keep your body comfortable, able, & consuming more calories at rest.  Don’t forgo this pursuit entirely, just be mindful of how you’re approaching it based on what you desire. xox***


Exercise wise a great way to do that is to WALK!  Walking on a flat surface (ground/treadmill) will NOT build bulk, but WILL tap into FAT for energy.


Low intensity aerobic (needing oxygen) exercises will pull from fat easily.


High Intensity Intervals will as well (actually in a more efficient way after you’ve stopped exerting yourself), but these activities tend to be explosive – & that tends to build powerful bodies that have more MASS.  All great, just not if you don’t wish to increase the amount of muscle on your legs (generally the point of concern), or worse if you want to even lose some size.


What I’ve personally been finding is that essentially anything can develop if you stress it, so if you feel you’re too muscular in any given spot – don’t do exercises that use those muscles.  This generally relates to big movers (squats, deadlifts, lunges), which will make your body powerful (= YAY!), but not if you’ve sent your wish list in w/ the opposite desires.


SO, what to do?


WALK.  A LOT.  Depending on where you are, & where you might like to be – do it daily.


Pilates & yoga create the bodies that many covet – but they don’t always cut it in the fat loss dept.  Using them to an extent sounds great, perhaps just not exclusively – esp if you’re desiring big change & not doing them most days of the week.


Continuing on – utilize either lightweight/bodyweight exercises for bigger movements (curtsy lunges, plie squats) & aim to recruit your glutes ONLY in them, &/or do teeny weeny little movements on a mat (donkey kicks, butt pulses, fire hydrants).  Working the little muscles of your butt/hip will create shape, but not nec loads of mass – as these muscles are smaller & aren’t able to get huge.



& lastly the most important part of creating LONG & LEAN muscles, is losing FAT!


Getting your body in a Fat Burning Mode is prob the easiest & most comfortable way to lose fat quickly & safely WHILE not compromising muscle mass, having plenty of energy, AND while improving your HEALTH! :O


There’s a quote, “abs are made in the kitchen”, & guess what?  The rest of the body is molded there mostly too.


If you wish to see where you fall on the Fat Burning/Sugar Burning spectrum in order to possibly make attaining, “leanness”, easier for you – check out this questionnaire.


And if you wish to learn more about how Fat Burning works, or if it might make sense for you – please be in touch!  Happy to share a brief video.


To getting you clearer on how your body works, & how to make it work for you.


xo, M

7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

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