7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Toxin Shock!

Jun 22, 2017
Hello Dear Ones!
Depending on your level of interest or awareness – the amount of Toxins in our environment nowadays may, or may not, matter to you.
More & more of us aim to eat organic food due to the reduction in “tampering” that has more than likely gone on w a conventionally grown piece of produce.  But there’s also all the pesticides, fertilizers, & general soil disruption that is more par for the course than not.
Perhaps you’ve also made a decision to have cleaners, detergents, air fresheners, personal care products, or even lawn or home care/improvement items that have less toxins in them, & if so – GOOD JOB!
However if you wish to TRULY both offset what our bodies are exposed to on a daily basis, as well as REALLY get a leg up on detoxification as a whole – there’s a bit more to do.
AND if you have other ailments that you can’t seem to shake (esp WEIGHT) – detoxification might be worth some study & attention.
A recent article in Time magazine aimed to poke holes in the theory that there’s one perfect fat loss diet for all people.  (Maybe.  Maybe not.)  But one thing they DID site as a HUGE contributor to weight gain & WHY there are more obese people now that ever – were the excessive amount of chemicals (toxins) we are exposed to.
How do Toxins make us GAIN WEIGHT??
Toxins both mimic hormones, mar hormone receptor sites, & damage cell membranes – interfering w/ weight loss.
Toxins damage the energy producing unit of the cell (our mitochondria) – which is why often when people have more weight on their frame they are also more fatigued.
Toxins burden our LIVER who’s Numero Uno as far as detoxification goes.  And when our liver is burdened – it is NOT focused on another job it has.  (METABOLIZING FAT!).
Blah.  Surprising & sucky.
So what to do?
IF you’ve made the galant attempt to do something for yourself in the realm of detoxification – hats off to you.
However if the effort has mostly summed up to having a green drink (these get a thumbs down from me), doing a cleanse for a number of days some time ago, or making a point to drink apple cider vinegar or water w/ lemon because of the understood detoxification properties – THIS IS NOT ENOUGH!
Detoxification is a CONSTANT process.  So unless you are in fact doing something CONSTANTLY (or enabling your body to be supported constantly in this effort) – your good intentions are missing the mark.  (I’m sorry).
However solutions do exist, & they actually exist w/in the realm of Fat Burning.
If you wish to know more about THAT, or to see where you fall on the Sugar/Fat Burning Spectrum – please check out this brief questionnaire w/ a video to follow.
Detoxification as part of the fat loss equation is a surprise to many, but once that piece is in place amongst the others – amazing results can occur.
To getting you clearer on how your body works, & how to make it work for you.
xox, M

7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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