The Full Frontal on Fasting.
Jun 16, 2017
Ooooooooo Wheeeeeeee!!!!
HA! YES! Omgoodness! How FUN is this?!?
Seriously! Straight up Fasting (which we will give you the down & dirty on), & more importantly INTERMITTENT FASTING is AMAZING!
This is a ridiculously freeing technique should you wish to either lose fat, stay @ a healthy/comfortable weight, be more insulin sensitive, spend less on food, be generally less hungry, need to figure out/deal w/ less meals, enjoy coffee daily & w/ purpose, capitalize on your fat burning potential when you work out, &….MAYBE that’s it!
Intermittent fasting is SO life changing & is EASILY accessible when one is in a fat burning mode.
When one is in a Sugar Burning mode they NEED to eat every couple hours, simply because sugar is in small supply (in our bloodstream, our liver, & our muscles – which we do NOT want to drill into). Additionally each time we eat we elevate our blood sugar (whether the food is low glycemic, or of the fat burning variety, or NOT :O), & each time our blood sugar rises – insulin lends it’s hand to move it out of the blood stream to be used as energy for fuel or fat for storage.
So when we have the biological opportunity to eat less often, we benefit both our health & our waistline.
There are some industry standards on Intermittent Fasting.
1. you need to be in a Fat Burning mode to use it SAFELY & best
2. eating w/in a 6 hour window is classically most desirable. Slightly longer is ok, slightly less is just fine if that’s comfortable for your body
3. working out in a fasted state makes the body undeniably pull from fat on your frame, vs the fuel that has recently entered your mouth
4. Bulletproof Coffee is a GREAT way to start your day (& replace your first meal) if you desire a small amount of nourishment (coffee, fat, poss stevia/spices), that will still allow the body to stay in a fasted state.
(if you wish to listen to a recorded call about Bulletproof Coffee & what makes it SO freeing & life changing in this realm please listen
And finally FASTING fasting. Straight up, no food for more than a day, fasting.
Here’s the deal w/ that IF you are EVER to wish to fast (for reasons of health, giving your digestion a rest, faster fat loss, or otherwise) – PLEASE do it in a fat burning state (or your body will still wish to pull from sugar vs fat, & can tap into muscle mass = no beuno), & do NOT exceed 36 hours!
Even if we are in a Fat Burning state, once we pass the 36 hour mark – our body starts to whisper cries of, “May Day!”, & you do not want to be on the biological receiving end of such things (slowed metabolism, urgency to eat easily accessible sugar, cognitive impairment, weakness…).
BUT, what is crazy & cool is that straight up fasting is not only possible, & not compromising in a Fat Burning state – but it also can feel EASY. :O
The 2 times that I’ve done it in the recent past I made sure I drank LOTS of herbal tea w/ stevia, LOTS of water, & kept mentally reassuring myself that I was ok, that I could do this – AND I made a point to make SURE I WAS ok.
When I did my straight up fast, I even worked out in a fasted state both of days that it encompassed – but making a point on the day that I was ending to take it easy & not do anything too intense to push my body into a sugar burning mode.
So that’s it! If you’d like to take advantage of these method for any variety of reasons, my recommendations would be:
1. get into a Fat Burning state
2. use Bulletproof Coffee every day for your first “meal”
3. workout in a fasted state in the AM
4. aim to eat in a 6 hr window if possible/comfortable
5. do straight up fasting every once in a blue moon if desired for 36 hrs (but not more), for any # of reasons
Hope this all makes sense, & that you check out the resources mentioned to get a greater handle on how this method could serve your lifestyle & body better.
To getting you clearer on HOW your body works, & how to make it work for you.
xox, M
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