7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Perimenopausal Panic! (+ Progress Pics)

Aug 06, 2024


Hello Dear One!


Are you someone who's been sung the song of limitation and despair that seems to circle around women going into or who are in perimenopause?




And while truth be told things DO CHANGE - that's not where the story has to end.


Perimenopausal Symptoms:

- weight gain in belly

- anxiety, moodiness, and memory lapses

- achy joints and headaches

- difficulty sleeping

- decrease in libido

- skin, eyes, and hair changes




Because the body is logical (and NOT haphazard OR fixed) the more we understand about hormonal shifts as we get older the better we can be at managing their impact and course correcting to what we want to KEEP or CHANGE.


EVERY person I work with is over 40.



I know when I was even just a few years younger my body functioned differently.


I could think about leaning out a little and it would happen.


In the recent past I had the same desire to reduce the FAT OVER MY KNEES (my spot), took my typical tactics and...little change.


Slow which really felt like NO change to me.


So I had my PERIMENOPAUSAL PANIC and wondered do I NOW struggle with weight loss too?!?


Can, "I", no longer lose weight easily because of my AGE?!?


But I gave myself a minute and asked some factual questions.


Has any woman over 40 (or 47 = my age) lost weight?




And are there women far older than me that are lean and toned and slim?






If they can have it - I can have it!


And if I can have it - YOU can have it.


Use this logic whenever you get stuck thinking something is beyond your grasp.


And as I wished to move forward vs accept living with what I did NOT want (why would one EVER do that??) I asked the question, "What DOES it take?".


I kept asking that question and seeing how much I needed to adjust in order to make my, "newer to me", body behave differently.


And viola!  I've lost 7.8 lbs and 1.6% body fat between July 4th and August 5th.



But the most exciting thing is that now I'm BETTER at doing this. 


PLUS I actually feel like I'm better at burning fat because of my experiment!


Which bodes well for all I get to work with now and in the future!


So if you're a woman over 40 who wants to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy and slowed aging..


and UNDERSTAND more about how her body works at THIS stage of life (vs resign to change that feels less desirable)


sign up for Fat Burning PRO!



Would love to have you join our growing community of women (and men!) who are interested in leveraging the power of their own internal wiring and newfound know how to look and feel sexy and empowered.


To getting clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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