7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Party Hardy

Mar 22, 2017


Hello Dear Ones!


Do you have ALL or NOTHING thinking in the camp of weight loss or health in general?


Do you believe that in order to have a waistline that you want or robust health, that you must be more pious that the Pope when it comes to self care or dietary choices??


Well if you believe this you are not only not alone, but you are also WRONG!


Don’t get me wrong – all weekend benders or subsisting on stress or garbage food on a daily basis ultimately won’t cut it in the land of desirable & well.  However, having SOME of that behavior in your world will actually NOT break the biological bank, & there’s an aspect of it that’s even able to be beneficial in the effort.  (WHAT???)


How is this possible?


Well, IF you are in a sugar burning mode this applies to you way less, BUT it could still be useful info.  


(& if you are struggling w/ weight loss/energy/+++ & have a desire to either see where you are on the sugar burning/fat burning spectrum please check out this brief questionnaire)


Our bodies are wired for feast & famine so when we work w/in that structure we can indulge & not have it cost us the farm.


Life is FULL of celebrations, & like our primitive ancestors, celebrations tended to focus around things that sustained LIFE!  Which tended to incorporate items that sustained life – like FOOD!  (& in more recent times often alcohol)


So nowadays we don’t only get to eat large (or lean) depending on the harvest or the hunt, but we do still generally have an abundance of food (& drink) when we get together.


The way to deal w/ this is to EXPECT it & make intentional choices around it.


When one is in a fat burning mode it’s possible to comfortably go 4-5+(+!) hours between meals (look forward to the Full Frontal on Fasting in 2 weeks time), w/o making the body feel compromised = wishing to mine muscle for fuel, or slow the metabolism to retain fat for survival.


SO if you KNOW there’s a BIG DEAL MEAL on your horizon you might wish to make some strategic decisions based on that (maybe NOT have alcohol the day before, perhaps skip dessert earlier in the week for Birthday cake on the weekend), & when you don’t have cravings that shiz is WAY easier to turn down (thank you fat burning).


PLUS cycling both your calories AND carbs during the week makes either weight loss or maintenance EASY b/c your body NEVER feels deprived, & when it’s ready to eat more – it will let you know.  Additionally, hopefully, you have made a point to have that match up w/ your intended feast.


So there’s THAT, & then there’s your hormonal symphony that you can tune to your own heart’s song in order for weight loss to NEVER stall or stop.  Glory Hallelujah!  But more on that next week in, “How to Have Your Cake & Eat it Too!”.


In the meantime, if you wish to take full advantage of what you have just learned:



(see where you are here, & what to do about it next)


Step 2: Learn & be guided as to how to either indulge w/ benefit, OR simply have more wiggle room to deviate but not derail.


The majority matters, & once you understand how to utilize the, “less ideal”, behavior to your favor – life & living can contain a whole new sense of freedom.


To getting you clearer on how your body works, & how to make it work for you.


xox, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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