7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Natural Born Fat Burners

Feb 23, 2017


Hello My Darlings!


I thought to share a conversation I had w a client Tuesday around Sugar Burning & Fat Burning.


He had started to read about the mode of Fat Burning & was getting increasingly enamored by the idea of it – ability to perform extreme endurance events, mental clarity, less emotional challenges (anxiety, depression), leaner bodies w/ plenty of muscle…just to name a few.


As he started to pick @ the edges of fat burning & evaluate it through an overlay of some traditional sugar burner characteristics – some incredulousness occurred.


“I thought breakfast was the most important meal of the day?!?”, “I thought lots of fruit was good for you?!??”, “Don’t we need to eat every few hours to support our metabolism??”, “Isn’t it normal to snack?  Even on healthy things?”


= NO!  Not at all.


Those Sugar Burner tendencies have been NORMALIZED, but they are far from natural.


There are 2 types of cells – prokaryotic & eukaryotic.


Prokaryotic cells are more primitive, have a membrane filled w/ fluid, ribosomes (which produce protein), & no true nucleus.  These cells burn sugar.


Eukaryotic cells (which we are made up of) are more highly evolved & have a nucleus as well as other organelles.  This also includes mitochondria which is responsible for creating energy (in the form of ATP), & is designed to burn fat (but is also able to burn sugar).


It’s like a stove that can burn 2 types of fuel, but one fuel just happens to be SIGNIFICANTLY superior.


Our bodies are hardwired to – A) survive, & B) reproduce.  And b/c of that we are set up to benefit from feasts, & endure famines.


Until not too long ago, food was not available 24/7, & there was benefit to that, including taking advantage of the ability to burn fat (as well as making the body more insulin sensitive++ – more on that another day).


Molecule to molecule – there is 16xs more energy in a molecule of fat than one of sugar.


Additionally the symptoms that accompany sugar burning are NOT pleasant (inflammation, issues w/ ones thyroid, metabolism & hormones, increased hunger & cravings, less energy, & difficulty losing or maintaining an ideal weight).




So, if you are experiencing some of those symptoms, & have a thought that experiencing the opposite might be desired – check out the Sugar Burner Questionnaire under, “Work with Me”, to see where you fall, & to see that there may be a clear way to deal w/ it.


To getting you clearer on how your body works, & how to make it work for you.


xox, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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