7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

From Hopeless to HAPPY - Caryn's Transformation

Oct 11, 2024


Hello Dear One!


Are you still living in the land of, "nothing working", weight loss wise?


Or are you sheltering in a place where you feel like YOUR BODY doesn't work well due to any number of things (slow metabolism, thyroid issues, perimenopause, menopause+++)?


If so, you are NOT alone.


So many women feel that way, or FELT that way - like Caryn.


Caryn and I graduated from high school together.


We connected on Facebook some years back but my posts had started to become increasingly interesting to her.


We had a conversation about how she was struggling weight loss wise in April and she decided to suspend disbelief around what I was sharing, and entertained my opinion that her struggles simply sounded like classic Sugar Burner symptoms.


The most tragic thing was that according to popular thinking she was doing EVERYTHING RIGHT.


She was so frustrated and I don't think fully believed all I was promising - but because she didn't have an alternative, she considered what seemed a bit impossible.




NOT eating every couple hours.


Actually being able to have WHATEVER she wanted carb and amount of food wise (get FULL, but don't hurt yourself) with regularity as a practice that HELPED weight loss!


And the list went on.  


What I was so touched by is that Caryn TRUSTED ME even when she didn't really BELIEVE ME.


And as a result she enrolled in Fat Burning PRO - was a model student and had incredible results!


I asked if she would answer a few questions I had about her process and transformation.  


Perhaps you'd like to hear what they were and what she had to say in response.







1. What was life like before Fat Burning PRO?

Before joining this program, I was the most had ever weighed, struggling with social engagements not wanting to be around others because I was unhappy in my own skin. I was trying to work out but feeling very tired in my workouts and the effort I needed to finish a workout was depressing knowing that just a few years ago I could do so much more. 


2. What made you think to reach out to Michaela?

I had read Fast like a Girl and happened to see a post or something Michaela noted about Dr Mindy Pelz…having known Michaela from childhood I looked up her program and seeing others who I knew that wrote testimonials about their path to weight loss and the success they had in this program drew me in. I hit rock bottom when on a trip with my husband for his work, I went to put on a dress I specifically bought for the formal night and it didn’t fit. I knew then, I needed to do something and I trusted Michaela. I had a phone consult with her while on the trip and from that day my journey began!


3. How was the process of Fat Burning for you?  (ups and downs)

The first week was a little struggle going without my greens drink which I looked forward to to start my day. It was nice to not have to think about breakfast! I loved the convenience of the shakes and knowing what I needed to bring to work everyday. I have to say I felt like I tasted food way better having the one dinner to look forward to! My energy was a little low this week. By the second week, I was excited to try the Bulletproof Coffee (start Intermittent Fasting) and speed up my morning routine. I started to feel more energy this week and felt good in the program. The carb feast was something to look forward to and splurge on. By week 5, I was comfortably eating just one meal a day, no shakes, energized, walking and sleeping well. I lost about 11 pounds in the first five weeks.


4. What is life like now?  What's different since you started? (weight, size, energy, health)  

This has become my lifestyle! It’s almost been seamless when I look back on these past 5 months. With a busy work, kid and sports schedule, I love packing for a day of events with only a few items to bring and plan later for my one meal. I am rarely tempted by snacks/sweets and treats left around at work or by my kids which is huge. I feel energized, mostly walk for exercise when I can and do occasionally strength train. I set a goal weight of 130 at the start (4/24 weighed 158) and by 9/14 I hit my goal weight!! I am staying the line and today weigh in at 128. I feel great…I recently bought new clothes and went from size 8/10 to a size 2. The compliments from friends and family are overwhelming with positive comments which feels so good to be in this place after feeling so down on myself just 5-6 months ago.


5. Why would you recommend that someone do/not do this?

I haven’t even mentioned the vitamins!  By week one of the program after starting the vitamins…I no longer had that 2pm distended bloated feeling and felt “light” on my feet though hadn’t even started to shed pounds. These vitamins for cell support and detoxification have helped in so many ways!!! I have recommended this program to so many friends and family-they can see the results and when I tell them how little I get to exercise (which they all know too well being so busy with kids' schedules), that I get to have my cake and eat it too and still get to eat carbs is so amazing! I feel like it easily fits into a busy on the go lifestyle while still maintaining a healthy mindset and lifestyle! I have nothing but excellent reviews for this program and Michaela’s support and knowledge through the process! Having tried so many other programs and food journaling before, I have never seen the results I have from where I am today!! So grateful!


LOVE hearing all this and have LOVED getting to work with Caryn!!


It's been beyond exciting to help her move from a place that felt so stuck where she was using so much EFFORT and not creating change to...THIS!!!






"After!!! In size 2 for the first time in I can’t even remember!!
Sitting at a baseball game in my size 2 jeans feels nice!!!!! :))
I can’t even believe it myself!! Crazy!!"


She looks so DIFFERENT!


Yes to being slimmer, but also more rested, healthful, and YOUNGER!!!



Fat Burning is meant to be one stop shopping for your waistline and health and it SHOWS here!


Plus I love that this has felt EASY and SEAMLESS for a busy professional and Mom of 2.


Love that this way of life has proved to be such a match (because its natural for ALL humans) and that Caryn took a chance on something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT and created a result she never expected.


If you'd like to challenge old thinking of, "nothing works", "my body doesn't work", "I'll just gain it back", "I can't give up my ___" - in order to have something you might not think possible...


Set up a call!


Have a chat and see what kind of change might indeed be possible for you too!


If you are a woman over 40 who'd like to lose 8-15 lbs in a month while having more energy and slowed aging (like Caryn!) check out Fat Burning PRO and schedule a call.


Would love to get your concerns addressed and questions answered.


To getting you clearer on how the body works in order to make it work for you.


xo, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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