7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Diet Schmiet

Sep 15, 2017


Hello My Darling!


is, “diet” a four letter word in your world??


Does the thought of eating in a manner to create change fill your heart with sadness, frustration or a sense of deprivation??


And due to this unpleasantness, does it make you want to avoid the topic all together – so as not to have a negative experience??


How REASONABLE if so!!


Well what about an alternative association?


What if deliberate eating felt like decadence at times?!?  Or if being selective as to what food choices you were making felt like an extreme act of self love & celebration??


If we’re focused on all we can NOT do our experience will inevitably suck.


But if instead we’ve zeroed in out the OUTCOME of our collective choices & how GOOD we’re being to ourselves by sticking to the commitment we made for a VERY sound reason – deliberate selections feel EASY (or at the very least WAY easier).


Not having what we want NEVER flies ultimately, & aiming to hold our breath or use will power until we eventually buckle keeps us in a futile loop.


If we really desire BIG change, LASTING change – it HAS to feel good.


So whatever you’re aimed at creating, first start with the result in mind.  Then figure out what is exciting!  Delightful!  DELICIOUS!!  And set your focus on THAT & that sentiment


If what you’ve signed up for becomes a fixture of joy, support & pleasure in your world it is sure to last & sure to help change happen FAST!


To getting you clearer on now the body works, & how to make it work for you.


xox, M


7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

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