Default Dinners
Jan 10, 2017
Hello Dear Ones!
I figure repetition is the Mother of the Best Medicine, so why not reiterate it and do an even deeper dive on this for those of you who have already heard it.
We are creatures of habit who live in a culture where ease and speed are necessities,
My personal philosophy on MOST matters, esp concerning healthful habits for the body, is if it’s not easy and/or pleasurable – we’re simply not going to do it.
So whether that’s physical therapy exercises (ahem! ME!), or a delicious and fat burning dinner – it’s simply not happening.
After having a common conversation w/ a prospective client who shared that pizza happened to be benignly served in his home, again – I thought to address what often is, & what easily could, be instead.
Carbohydrates are in ABUNDANCE if we do NOT intentionally find alternatives. Bread on the table. A starch w/ most entrees. Sandwiches for lunch. Homefries, muffins, bagels, toast, or some sort of baked good expectantly staring up at you from a plate, or buffet, during breakfast. There is LITERALLY pressure to eat carbohydrates.
And carbs are everywhere also b/c they are CHEAP & FILLING.
(As is FAT. More on that another day.)
SO, a couple things –
1. Be prepared to come up w/ alternatives to common suggestions.
2. Know which carbohydrate options might be better @ a moment’s notice.
What are your go to meals that are on auto pilot, that are quick & won’t break the bank?
What are mine? So glad you asked!
1. My Holy Grail GO TO Meal
– Rotisserie chicken
– makings for a salad (grape tomatoes, olives, hearts of palm, mini cucumbers, sometimes avocado, sometimes cheese…)
*if I don’t eat the skin on the chicken, then I will make sure I have another source of fat = avocado, olive oil, cheese, etc)
Then, generally in the fridge when I’m in a pinch, simply need to eat, & wish to not cook:
– Fage total Greek Yogurt
– cucumbers, tomatoes
Finally I may turn to more of USANA’s offerings in terms of their MySmart Shake & bars w/ peanutbutter if it’s dinner time…..
Some other’s that have served me well:
– eggs (scrambled/omelette)
– sauteed vegetables, salad, or prepared soup
– Chili
– Sausage, Peppers & Onions (featured photo = DELICIOUS!, get the recipe here: )
**this is NOT glamorous! BUT if you have a desire (& TIME) to prepare a real deal delicacy – please refer to our Metabolic Meals Cookbook in our Fat Burning Group on Facebook**
2. What to turn towards when you do NOT want to eat carbs, but fat burning options aren’t in large supply?
– sweet potatoes
- potatoes
– squash/pumpkin
– beans
– corn
– higher fiber grains
– higher fiber carbs of any kind (if you’re going to eat it, GET FULL)
So, perhaps that lends you a few alternatives to turn to INSTEAD of pizza or pasta for a fast & economical group (or solo) dining experience.
The truth is eating carbs is not going to be biologically devastating if you have them intentionally to a small degree outside of your carb feasts. However if you are NOT being mindful of how often you are indeed having them – it’s pretty easy to get back into a Sugar Burning mode AND not be making steps towards a pant size that feels & looks best to you.
To knowing how to best have your cake, in order to eat it too.
Love, love, love to you!!!
xox, M
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