7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Breathe More, Burn More.

Jul 07, 2017

Hello Dear Ones!

Ok!  So breathing more in general may seem like a “good” thing to do – but would you like to know about both a technique that will BLOW YOUR MIND, as well as MAKE you CHILL OUT?!?
Yes??  Me too.
Ok!  I’ll try to keep this focused as the truth is there is MUCH to say about the world of intentional & deep breathing, but for right now we’ll focus on anxiety/stress reduction & increased caloric consumption :O.
For every physiological state there is a corresponding breath pattern.  When we’re about to get into an accident we hold our breath.  When we sleep our breathing is slow & deep.
A way to trick the body’s physiology is to choose to breathe in a certain way to CREATE a different state.
Check out this brief video with a more detailed description & demonstration.
Breathing technique to make you calm FAST
The ramifications of this are HUGE!
This is an incredible inroad to ENABLE one to NOT emotionally eat.
If you’re not coming unglued at the seams (due to utilizing this technique especially when you don’t want to!) it is SO much easier to eat more slowly, be more present, consciously choose WHAT you wish to consume next, AND for your body to ACTUALLY register fullness enabling you to feel happily satiated on LESS food.
And this technique acts FAST.  (So PLEASE check it out.)
Additionally, most of us have an appreciation that the more an exercise requires oxygen (aerobic) the more calories will be consumed & fat will be burned while it’s performed.
(Anaerobic is different & equally valuable, but we’ll get to that another day).
BUT did you know that simply by adding more oxygen to your system voluntarily – you will increase the number of calories consumed & fat burned???
APPARENTLY we need oxygen fora million processes in the body – including burning calories, including burning fat, including for our digestion, & including for nutrient absorption.
SO if you wish to give yourself a leg up in the realm of weight loss, serenity, & the ability to be present at the dinner table as well as IN LIFE  BREATHE more deeply.  And breathe more deeply & deliberately more often
(& check out that technique if you ever see a need to switch from crazy to calm in an instant).
Hope you try these suggestions out, & would love to hear both if you do & what results if so.
To helping you to get clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.
xox, M

7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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