7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

99 Problems but the Gym Ain’t One. (presentation)

Aug 09, 2017


Hello Dear One!


OK!  Do you wish or intend to exercise more than you currently do?


Do you have lofty intentions that amount to little when push comes to shove or when you take a tally at week’s end?


Do you feel mystified by those who can, & do, get their slightly more toned butts to the gym on the regular?  Believing that they might be somehow more disciplined or in control of their worlds??


If so, PLEASE know that you are not only NOT alone in this struggle, but also not alone in possibly being misinformed in the assumption of health and harmony you believe yourself to be witnessing. 


Watch away as SOME of the madness in the camp of the uber fit gets showcased and hopefully helps you to not only see the struggle & humanity of others, but also perhaps where your equal strengths & gifts lie as well.


99 Problems but the Gym Ain’t one (pecha kucha PVD)


To getting you clearer on how the body works, & how to make it work for you.


xo, M



7 Tips to Lose Fat Fast

Quick strategies to easily improve your weight loss game.

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